100 Things You Shouldn't Do in Life

What are some of the things you should never do in life? Kill someone? Or jump off a cliff?

What Does Your Nose Shape Say About You?

What Does Your Nose Shape Say About You | Her BeautyMany experts believe that by looking at someone’s nose you can learn a lot about the person, their character traits and personality. It’s up to you whether you want to believe it or not, but we thought we’d tell you about different nose shapes and what they tend to imply about the person.

Meet The Woman Who Is Married To Two Husbands (Pictures)

Polygamy is a very common practice, particularly in Africa. We have heard or seen men marry two or more wives. Some, even go as far as marrying twenty and above. However, is very rare for a woman to marry more than one husband. Have you ever heard of polyandry?

Bizarre Ceremony: 62 Year Old Woman Marries 9 Year Old Boy For The Second Time

Nine-year-old Saneie Masilela has become the world's youngest groom for the second time after remarrying the 62-year-old woman he tied the knot with last year.
Dressed in a silvery tuxedo, baby-faced Saneie clutched the hand of mother-of-five Helen Shabangu - her children are aged between 28- and 38-years-old - as they repeated their vows a year on in front of 100 guests.

30 Funny Questions To Ask a Girl and Make Her Laugh

When you meet a girl you like, you should try to understand her better. Who knows? She might be the right girl for you. The trick to get to know her better is getting her to talk about herself. A guy who can bring the spirit of fun and laughter can keep the spark of a relationship alive!

10 Signs You Are in An Unhappy or Loveless Marriage

When a couple gets married, everyone wishes that it lasts for eternity. Vows and oaths are taken to be man and wife forever and everything seems like a bed of roses. But the real test starts after the couple starts living together as husband and wife. 

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